Things are changing fast in the world of travel! It is important to keep up with testing requirements and enhanced health and safety protocols. If you do decide to travel, please follow the guidelines for those areas.
While the world isn’t quite open to us yet, there are signs of hope!
This month we are opening the vault to show photos of trips from a while back! Enjoy!

Wander Wednesday

“Not all those who wander are lost.”- J.R.R. Tolkien

statue of winged Victory
The Winged Victory of Samothrace is one of my favorite sculptures. It commemorates the goddess Nike and perhaps a naval victory. I  was fascinated by it on my first trip to Paris and the Louvre Museum in the 1970s and I try to see it again each time I go to Paris.
This is one of the few original Hellenistic sculptures that survived from the second century B.C. The sense of power and exuberance is overwhelming when you see it up close.

Where would you like to be wandering?

Contact me at Heirloom Vacations Travel Consulting to feed your wanderlust!