Welcome, 2024! Once again, the seasons have cycled around the sun, and we look forward to another excellent travel year.
Here at HVTC, we strive to provide the most heirloom-worthy travel experiences possible. Contact us for assistance with your next trip!
 We will continue to post weekly photos from our travels for Wander Wednesday, hopefully inspiring your next great adventures. As you venture outwards, please continue to stay safe and follow local health guidelines.
This month, we’re sharing photos from our recent trip to Morocco. January will be Part 1, February will be Part 2
(There are just too many good photos for one month!)

Morocco is a country of contrasts: the cities, with new, old, and ancient areas, the mountains, and the deserts. We were fortunate to work with the knowledgeable people at Experience Morocco (https://www.experiencemorocco.com/), who ably assisted us with our two-week itinerary. Hopefully, these photos will show some of the many facets of our trip to Morocco.

Wander Wednesday

“Not all those who wander are lost.”- J.R.R. Tolkien

High canyon walls Todra Gorge Morocco

Todra Gorge is one of the geological highlights of central Morocco. The tall limestone walls dwarf the cars and the people who drive along the river into the canyon. The main gorge is about a mile long and then the road winds up through more canyons into the eastern part of the High Atlas Mountains. This is a good place to get a souvenir, as vendors line the walls of the main part of the canyon, knowing they have a captive audience for a while.

Where would you like to be wandering?

Contact me at Heirloom Vacations Travel Consulting to feed your wanderlust!